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Great Reminder to Focus on Core Arenas of Our Personal and Business Lives

It was Theodore Roosevelt who waxed eloquent about the “Man in the Arena”, personal or professional while delivering his famous, “Citizenship in a Republic Speech” in Sorbonne, Paris. He further went on to say neither the critics nor the naysayers counted. What really mattered was the man in the middle of the action, whose face was smeared with blood, sweat, dust, and gore.


ResilienceDespite all the odds, this person moves forward valiantly, errs, bounces back again and again. Only this person can know the triumph of really high achievements. If and when the person fails, does so while daring greatly, virtually leaving no stone unturned, and springs back to life once again, no matter the magnitude of the shock.

Sphere of Activity

No matter what our sphere of activity is, the degree of success, that we are going to experience is in direct correlation to the manner and degree in which we excel in while balancing the various facets of our lives, irrespective of the segments they may pertain to.

Core Operating Principles

We are governed by certain guiding principles, the same is true of individuals, organizations, and businesses. They must consciously operate out of certain arenas or realms that have a salutary effect on the well-being of the entities. Your core operating principles, more or less fall under the purview of these superspheres of influence. Let us try and get to know them better and use the same to our advantage.

Guiding Lights

Core Operating PrinciplesWhat are these guiding lights, well they are torchbearers in their own right? We must begin by listing them down and scrutinize them on an individual basis. They are the arena of values and responsibilities, possibilities, arenas of negotiation, arenas of dedication, vision, and that of accomplishment.

Core Values

Be it any business, organization or even an individual, at the core of their very being, are certain values that they live by, again, it is quite possible they may not be aware of what these values are, or would not be able to articulate them very well, nevertheless they exist. What an entity value, affects the way it functions, the way a business is run and the employees go about performing their work-related activities.

Be Confident

Be ConfidentIt is of paramount importance to be well aware of what those values happen to be. Do try and operate in the arenas of values, where you can confidently say, without an iota of doubt, that I am or for that matter, we are operating from the arena of values.

Sans Any Strings

The next tenet is the arena of responsibility, which goes on to propound that as individuals or business entities we ought to maintain a high degree of integrity, which essentially translates to being forthright, honest and hardworking at the same time. In addition to this, we should make it a point to give away time money and possessions sans any strings. The arena of responsibility calls for making sacrifices in order to come across as healthy and successful. Same holds true with other tenets as well.

Final Words

You would have the satisfaction of looking back and rejoice in the perceptible difference that you have been able to make by fulfilling your obligations and responsibilities, that you should live by. ensure you do not lose the zest for life, while you have put your nose to the grindstone. People hold lofty dreams, great ideas and infinite possibilities within them, they need to step off the treadmill and explore the alternatives, probabilities, and scope of exploring prospects and perspectives.

About Harneet

Harneet Kaur is HR & Content Manager at Universe Jobs. She has over 10 Years of Experience in Recruitment and is a Renowned Career Expert.

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