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Evolution of Monetary Transactions – Past, Present and Future


To get on with the business of living, all of us need money on a constant basis, we continue with the humdrum of everyday life oblivious to the fact that money has a life of its own – present life, the hard cash you can touch and feel, and the virtual cash in virtual wallets.  Concept of Money It is interesting to note this humble money has got the past as well and it goes without saying the same will evolve in the future and take a different shape and form. Primarily the underlying concept of money is unwavering ever ...

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Clear Sense of Corporate Strategic Vision With Sharper Focus on Goals


At the present time organizations are facing dynamic as well as exciting challenges. Given the globalized business environment companies these days, more than ever require serious strategic thinking. Sustained Competitive Advantage In order to become strategically competitive, an organization must evolve really good corporate strategies. In order to have an edge of sustained competitive advantage, the entity needs to implement a value creating strategy in such a manner that other companies are unable to replicate it to duplicate benefits or plainly find the initiative to be too expensive in the first place. Corporate Strategy Formulating a corporate strategy comprises of ...

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Employ the Psychology of Future Self to Boost Your Career Prospects


It is entirely possible that the above statement may appear jarring to some folks, scratch the surface a little and you would be able to decipher some real profound meaning. It is entirely possible that you have a friend who is kind of in a catch 22 situation. The dilemma is the person is working like hell at the present workplace, this craziness is making life miserable. Constant Pressure It is entirely possible that the workday is stretching for twelve long hours, nights are getting sleepless with constant worrying about client demands, and the constant pressure to do more with ...

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Tap into Your Emotions: Why EQ Could Be More Important Than IQ


Each one of us is aware that we need to be smart in order to be a success in personal as well as professional life. This leads us to aiming for a super high IQ, which again means it could well be a normal human being with a whole lot of knowledge about a particular area of expertise. Career Trajectory Having a very high IQ is indeed very helpful to a truly successful career, but it may not be the most helpful thing to do. As EQ appears on the scene, it turns out to be even better for your ...

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Incorporate Social Activities to Boost Employees Enthusiasm at Work

Incorporate Social Activities to Boost Employees Enthusiasm at Work

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy, this is a well known rhyme each one of us has heard in our childhood and we vividly remember these lines till this very day. However too much of work also results in dull employees. The Happiness Meter This is where social activities come into play, they help employees to be all the more productive and enthusiastic at work. For boosting the mood of the employees at the workplace a whole lot of things can be done. Plan some outdoor sports like football, set a football club at the office, ...

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