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Tag Archives: personal and business lives

Great Reminder to Focus on Core Arenas of Our Personal and Business Lives


It was Theodore Roosevelt who waxed eloquent about the “Man in the Arena”, personal or professional while delivering his famous, “Citizenship in a Republic Speech” in Sorbonne, Paris. He further went on to say neither the critics nor the naysayers counted. What really mattered was the man in the middle of the action, whose face was smeared with blood, sweat, dust, and gore. Resilience Despite all the odds, this person moves forward valiantly, errs, bounces back again and again. Only this person can know the triumph of really high achievements. If and when the person fails, does so while daring ...

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A Great Reminder to Focus on Core Arenas of Our Personal and Business Lives


It was Theodore Roosevelt who waxed eloquent about the “Man in the Arena”, personal or professional, while delivering his famous, “Citizenship in a Republic Speech” in Sorbonne, Paris. He further went on to say neither the critics nor the naysayers counted. What really mattered was the man in the middle of the action, whose face was smeared with blood, sweat, dust and gore. Resilience Despite all the odds, this person moves forward valiantly, errs, bounces back again and again. Only this person can know the triumph of really high achievements. If and when the person fails, does so while daring ...

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