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Is Your Professional Network Hurting or Helping You

Is Your Professional Network Hurting or Helping You?

Do you roll your eyes every time you happen to be reading career articles, where you find mention of the fact that networking happens to be the best career advice. Well in today’s networked world, this advice is not just too good to be true, it actually is true.


Does Your Network Stink

Does Your Network StinkGiven the situation you find yourself in at the moment and the problem you are faced with, bugging you constantly, well just keep your worries aside as you can go ahead and surely fix this problem even if it is not possible to fix it right away, you can at least start working on it immediately. The first thing you need to do is dive headlong into your network and evaluate it dispassionately, only then would you be able to make it work for you. Well does your network stink, if you have been closely following it than in all probability you already know it.

Doling Out Advice

If that be the case and you have not been very successful in advancing your career so far, the problem in no way lies with people doling out advice, it is quite possible the problem lies in your network. It is also entirely true that not everybody’s network is helpful to the same degree in aiding them land a job, when they happen to be job hunting.

The Best Bet

Best BetIn general most people do not happen to be spending a lot of time and sparing a thought on the issue. The result is decay and degradation of the network. It is quite possible that your network is suffused with good people, nevertheless have you taken a moment to discern people who would be good for your career. If each of your connection is from a completely different industry, then it could pose a problem, if you happen to be a teacher for instance, networking with car salespeople is not going to prove the best bet for landing a job.

A Far Fetched Idea

It is quite possible that one such connection’s neighbor might be in the education department but this is quite a far fetched idea. Again this does not mean that you should stay away from befriending someone from a different field professionally or personally. Having said that, bear in mind the industry you are targeting, and accordingly seek out people who happen to do what you do professionally.

Thinking Hierarchically

Thinking-HierarchicallyDo not spend a lot of time thinking hierarchically, for if you do, then you will find that everyone is either at a lower level than you or at a higher level than you. If you happened to be a junior analyst do not hesitate in keeping in touch with a director or never ever hesitate to send in a LinkedIn invitation to your next-door neighbor even if he happens to be a bigwig.

Final Words

If you have worked with anybody in any capacity, go ahead and include them in your network without second thoughts. With the right people and the right attitude networking is simply awesome, so do not miss out on the opportunities just because your network is not solid at the moment, go ahead and make it solid and work for you.

About Harneet

Harneet Kaur is HR & Content Manager at Universe Jobs. She has over 10 Years of Experience in Recruitment and is a Renowned Career Expert.

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