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Tag Archives: engineer jobs in india

Engineering is Truly a Versatile Career Option

Engineering is Truly a Versatile Career Option

When you look comprehensively, you will find there is no better career option which excels in such diverse areas as healthcare, agriculture, business as well as entertainment besides much more. Creative Lot The wide spectrum of multifarious engineering fields have resulted in the expansion of the scope of work that engineers perform incessantly and the way it impacts our lives. Engineers are a creative lot and innovation is second nature to them. Range of Expertise The range of their expertise and the kind of tasks they perform be it building roads, working on robotic technology, analyzing watersheds, perfecting life-saving equipment ...

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Why Delegating Will Make You a Better Engineer?


After spending a substantial time doing sundry work you find yourself catapulted into an exalted position. This happens to be your first professional leadership role and you find all the eyes fixated upon you askance, for you to deliver the goods. Running on Fumes After taking stock you find yourself putting in 60 plus hour weeks over the past two months and you find the project has made only about one-fifth of the progress so far, add to this woe you are running on fumes, it is high time that you do something about it. The Perks What is a ...

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Designing Sustainability Into Your Engineering Career


Irrespective of your particular like or dislike the “s” word is here to stay, in any case, it is all around us. As engineers, we strive to deliver planned benefits at the end of a given project. We deftly manage day to day project issues as also those that shape future outcomes. The Impact So far so good, one thing that many engineers tend to overlook is the very basic fact, how the project they have been working on all along impacts the local, regional or the global environment. Sustainability Just ask yourself, whether you have overtly considered sustainability while ...

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Which Engineering Stream Offers The Best Career Options?


You develop a range of practical skills in the field of engineering, and these happen to be highly prized by a wide range of employers in various sectors. These exceptional skills comprise of the ability to think logically, problem-solving skills, besides excelling in numerical ability. Broad Spectrum Engineering is indeed a broad field, with various disciplines and subdisciplines, be it civil, chemical, mechanical, computers or electronic engineering to name a few. This in effect results in diverse and varied spectrum of careers. Informed Decision The crux is, you get to make an informed decision well in advance to choose the ...

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