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Tag Archives: best online job search sites

Set Your Sights on a New Job in the New Year

Change in the Calendar The New Year is definitely more than a change in the calendar; it is indeed a perfect time to re-invent ourselves and our careers. Commence your job search with the advent of a brand new year as you are fresh and brimming with enthusiasm after making your new year’s resolutions. You are all set to make positive changes to improve the quality of your life. It is entirely probable that you happen to be in a lackluster job at the moment. You have choices to make and face the consequences thereof. Either to stick around and ...

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Teamwork and Cooperation

Continuum Teamwork and cooperation are interdependent, on minute observation you will find a continuum of purpose, for that very matter you will find collaboration and cooperation to be quite the same. People generally tend to use these words interchangeably and as synonyms. They have inherent nuances that render us all the more effective. Employment agencies are of the express opinion that purpose directly influences teamwork, cooperation and collaboration as well and is in turn affected and molded by them in a large measure. We start with cooperation; we can safely assume that when two or more people share resources as ...

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Re-Enter the Workforce

The Absence There are various reasons why people who used to work previously absent themselves temporarily from the workforce. Perhaps it is to raise children, care for another family member, losing the job, sickness or even disability could be a probable reason too. Another set of people who are in active military service contemplate to join the workforce in due course of time. It is quite certain that many of these people would definitely be returning to the workforce at one point or the other. Given the circumstances, they keep wondering, how to find a job, actively say online job ...

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Attract the Best Employees

Positive Image Organizations are competing with each other to attract the right talent be it jobs in Mumbai & Bangalore. This has turned recruitment into something of a cut-throat process, one trying to score brownie points over the other, hoping to attract the right kind of employees. As a matter of fact trying to appeal to the best of the best employees for It Jobs or Corporate jobs, using underhand techniques is going to be counterproductive as it does not pay in the long run. Instead adopting an employee friendly approach keeping employee satisfaction in mind is going to be helpful. ...

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Focus on your Strengths for Career Success


Sundial in the Shade It was Benjamin Franklin who uttered these wise words, “Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade?” We are seemingly who we are, similar yet unique as no one has our particular combination of traits. This renders us to be one of a kind. It is very important for us to allow our uniqueness to shine through. The topmost qualities of a person indeed have a dramatic bearing on ones life’s purpose as well as the career path they happen to choose. The dilemma with many people is they ...

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